Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ups and Downs

Since my last post, my life has been a series of ups and downs. I don't know where to start, and this post may reflect the ramblings of the ADHD mind, but since it is my blog, I am not caring. With that being said, read on dear readers.

Had my latest check up-I am diabetic and need to have doctors check me out regularly so I don't end up the footless person O'bama was so excited about when begging for health care reform support. Anyway, my A1C came back at an incredible 5.6!!! If I keep being such a model patient, I may get to stop the medication I use. Although the medicine is probably what made my number that low--the lowest in 2 years! That is an up. Great way to start St. Patrick's Day! Now, are you ready for it, the low: on my way home I had a fender bender. I have no idea what color the light was, but I got the running a red light ticket--lucky me! No one was hurt--Thank God! And both cars weren't injured critically. My first auto accident and I am pretty sure that I am going to get the blame for the whole thing. But, Upside--I found out that my insurance is good and the other guy will be able to get his car fixed without making me go bankrupt. Downside, my premiums will probably go up--with my luck!

NCAA men's basketball tournament is on!! So exciting. The whole family filled out brackets. Kansas--I am a huge Jayhawk fan---ranked #1 in their region and predicted by many to win the whole tournament. I was one of the many! Rock chalk Jayhawk baby!
Second round, they get beat by Northern Iowa (who?) by 2 points--actually the score should have been worse because Kansas played HORRIBLE. But, down side, they lost and my tournament is so not that much fun anymore. It is over before it really began.

I got a new job. I am cooking in a nursing/rehab facility now. It pays better than my last job and since we need the fundage, this is definately an up. Also, there is a lot of walking involved--I not only cook the food, I also deliver it to the 4 halls of the facility. Good pay and exercise--up! I would have liked to have had a job that not only paid well, but also allowed me to sit. Not being in the best of shape and not used to working 8 plus hours at a time, I feel like I need to use a wheel chair. I cannot believe how bad my feet hurt. This is a good job and I feel like I am helping people. So this is a plus, but the body aches are most definately a minus. I miss being a house mom who only works while the kids are at school and has summers off. Now my husband, Mike, is Mr. Mom and not really enjoying that as much as he thought he would. Which brings to mind, be careful what you ask for. But that is another story for another time.

Tomorrow is my day off! This is a great UP. The down side of this is the fact that I will probably be trying to recover from the 9 days I have worked and trying to get pumped up for the next Monday through Friday I still have to work. Learning new jobs, no matter how menial, is not easy. Especially for semi-old dogs like me.
I am now employed and no longer looking for work--major up. It may not be my dream job, but money is money. I am just hoping that I don't run out of Ibuprofin before I get used to this job!

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